Doddapatre/ Indian borage/ Saambrani

The post focuses on a common herb found in many Indian gardens. It is being referred by various names such as Indian Borage, Mexican Mint, Dodda patre (Kannada)... Scientific name is Plectranthus amboinicus. This herbal wonder is a must have in any kitchen garden or herbal garden. It is very easy to grow this in a pot from stem cutting. It is known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties.
This plant was known to me since my childhood days as it is a common plant in any of south canara home garden. Still I did not know much about the medicinal properties except it was known as a good cough remedy and also applied on skin problems such as itching and rashes. I remember the juice being applied on whole body in case of lice bite.

I was astonished by the use when my 5 years old son had fungal infection due to antibiotic side effect. My neighbour asked me to prepare Tambuli (recipe here) of doddapatre leaves to him every day. It helped him along with the non-oral allopathic medicine taken. It works as an antifungal and not to specify probiotic effect when taken with curds/yogurt.

Then I started little research on it. Every time, my son/daughter had common cold, it went off just with this Indian borage leaf tea/ Extract(recipe here) consumed with honey. One should remember to give it as a first home medicine before anything else. It is very effective by eating fresh leaves directly with salt (for elders). Children may not eat directly the leaves because of its strong bitter like, acrid, bit strong pungent taste.

The conditions, Indian borage leaves can be used to treat:
Kindly consult a Physician in case of emergency or if you are sensitive.
  •  Common cold & Cough
Consume the juice/ extract with honey. Look for recipe here
  •  Diarrhea
Consume 1-2 Indian borage leaves crushed and mixed in curds or chew two leaves directly and   drink warm water.
  •  Indigestion & stomach cramps
Consume 1-2 Indian borage leaves crushed and mixed in curds or chew two leaves directly and drink warm water 2 to 3 times a day and once before sleep.
  •  Skin problems – Insect bites
Crush leaves of Doddapatre (Indian borage), extract juice and apply on the affected area.
  • Skin problems – Fungal infections
Crush leaves of Doddapatre (Indian borage), extract juice and apply on the affected area. Consume 1-2 Indian borage leaves crushed and mixed in curds.

Note: Please consult Doctor before giving any home medicine to the patients if they are in special conditions such as Pregnancy, Infants... The remedies I write here are tested on few cases and may not be scientifically studied.
